Tuesday, February 28, 2006
The Orphan Works Act -OR- The Fuck Over Art Kids Act
THIS SCARES THE FUCK OUT OF ME. EVEN MORE THEN WHALES What is it? The Orphan Works Act. Basically, it says that any art work made in the last 30 years and from hence forth that isnt clearly labelled as a person's piece of work is fare game to anyone or any company. Nothing to be afraid of, right? WRONG. This affects ANY and ALL creations, spanning from photography to poetry to animation to still drawings, even to films. The main debate now is "what is CLEARLY mean in clearly marked?" Our resident teacher/lawyer, John Dunsmoor (he worked for the FBI before becoming a teacher) came in and talked to us about it. Big companies, like *hint hint karl ;)* AOL/Time Warner and Disney, not to say they wouldn't or would, can find a piece of your work and say "oh its orphaned. Its our now and we are going to 'improve' upon their works." It throws away all copyright laws and lets big companies who can throw lawyers at people to get free ideas/artworks/concepts and go to town and make credit off ideas they dont create. THIS IS A SERIOUS FUCKING THING AND NOT A CHAIN LETTER!!! Hence the LINK.

So what can be done? Write to your congressman, childrens. Also look online for how to communicate this issue and not sound like a complete retard.

I am SERIOUSLY fucking scared about all this. I have to go to Deviantart and clearly label my pictures and hope to god it is what the big companies call "CLEARLY LABELLED." Fuck fuck fuck.

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