Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Let's have one final test. Throw the switches!
So anyways, I have been pretty quiet. This blog has been pretty quiet. I notice Francisco (Francesco?) found the blog, this is excellent. I don't know if you remember me, Frisko. Did I have long hair then? If so, I was the dude with the long hair. We played Street Fighter Alpha together a few times; that's about all I remember of you, unfortunately.





Anyways, I'm the creator and am in charge of this blog-thing and I'm the one you need to blow to get posting privileges around here (don't lie, you all know what you did.) Speaking of blowing me; doesn't Amish have one of these fancy com-pew-tur things now? I'd love to see him pontificating about steak, whiskey, and cars once in a while.


So I have some news, I was actually going to post this earlier but Kevin made pretty much the same announcement that day and I didn't want to steal his thunder.

Most of you got to meet Nissa when she visited me at the start of the year. Nissa and I have been, uh, 'together' - so to speak - for a little over 2 years now. She's still planning on being at the University of Sydney for quite a bit longer, and for obvious reasons we'd quite like to be on the same continent. In spite of reservations on both sides, it looks like the most feasible way to accomplish this quickly is via marriage and me going over there.

Let me just add here, that immigration is a real bitch.

So yes, I am tentatively planning on moving down under and getting married; probably either this year or the begining of the next. To that end, I'd like to spend some time seeing my friends a little more before I go. Assuming I don't get eaten by crocodiles, kangaroos or koalas; I'm sure I/we'll come back and visit Iowa in the future, but my residency is planned on being of the permanent variety.

So yes, please call! Invite me to things! Let me know if you're willing to do things! I've been seeing Wes and Amish a bit, gone to eat and go to movies and that N-play arcade a couple of times, things like that. It's been nice, I'd like to do more of it, with more people. If the gaming thing is more interesting, I do have XBOX Live! Gold (gamertag is pretty obvious if you know me, but I could post it if someone needs it).

I do work pretty oddball hours still (next week is especially hellish), with lots of evenings and weekends. We all live so close, and yet the only friends I've really seen in the last couple of months are Martin, Karl, Wes, and Amish. Even if you're just getting food or catching a movie, a txt message or a call to see if I'm up for something would be nice. I'm quite willing to get involved with things.

At one point Wes and I were talking about doing the Court Ave Brewery every Monday night around 8 (live jazz, decent food and beer) but nothing ever really came of it. I think something like that, where anyone free would show up and we could talk and drink and eat would be pretty cool. Something. Ideas!

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