im in ur blogs makin mah posts

Tim, Andy:
Follies are go. Yes? I know that Ryan is unable to read, so someone needs to inform him of his part in all this. Get him away from that homo-erotica he calls "Deejaying" for a night. Me/Ali/etc will need a place to crash at night, if that is cool?
Be in Denver on August 24th/25th. You are welcome to come along if you want to help drive. We will be back in Denver on that Monday morning-ish.
You are dead to the follies. Some sorta shennanigans afterwards is eminent.
You are in the follies too and I will be DAMNED TO HELL if we cannot get you in a dress and on stage. It's not a matter of you saying no: It is a matter of us saying yes.
Additional Bloggers:
I bought kool-aid from a kid on the street today. And by kool-aid I mean sexual favors. And by kid, I mean it didn't happen.
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