Max Payne
So Max Payne is being turned into a movies, and for once a video game had a shot at being a good movie, but the good people at Fox thought to themselves Fuck that let's ruin this son bitch. So a couple months ago I read Mark Walberg would be playing Payne. I was a little bothered by this but willing to be open minded. Hell, I even grew to like the idea. So a few weeks later I hear they are shooting for a PG-13 rating. How can Max Payne be rated PG-13 when the hero spends the majority of the video games popping pills to keep pushing through the pain, oh well whatever. So now I find that Ludacris will be playing the role of Jim Bravura. Nothing against Luda, he did a fine job in Crash, but he doesn't fit the role. I'll demonstrate below.
Jim Bravura


I'm all for artistic license in certain cases, but if something isn't broke don't fix it.
Jim Bravura


I'm all for artistic license in certain cases, but if something isn't broke don't fix it.
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