Review of Diary of the Dead

So I bought Romero's "Diary of the Dead" three days ago and have been meaning to sit down and watch it. So I did just that today after work. If you are a film student, ever been a film student, or ever considered being a film student then this is one of the greatest zombie movies ever. As for every one else, this is one of the greatest zombie movies ever. The Romero overtones of society gone mad and wither we as a race are worth saving are still very heavy, but the things he does with the zombies and characters that would of been great in any of the first trilogy have redefined how I look at zombie interaction. Mostly because of the Amish part. You heard me. And I'm not telling you what I'm talking about, you'll just have to watch the movie, but the Amish part made it all worth it.

Also on a side note, a cheap "Day of the Dead" knock off remake hit the shelves and of course I got that as well. For a "B" movie they did a decent job, yet there were a few things that dropped the grade in my book. If you want to know what they are then just ask, but it's to long to put up here and nobody cares anyways. Certainly not Wes, who if I had the money to invest, I would fund a PC zombie based survival horror game that takes place in Vegas and the only weapon is a shot gun that you upgrade "Parasite Eve" style and a array of different armors. O' did I mention it would be a MMORPG. And everyone would have to stake out there own secured area as the jump off point when you enter the game and it could be compromised if somebody messes it up. Seriously Wes give me a call so I can throw details at you and you can tell me how much it's going to cost.
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