Tuesday, July 28, 2009
adult lunchable
I just drove to Target for lunch expecting to buy one of those delectable little chicken salad-based adult lunchables they sell but ho! there were none left. I pawed at a caeser salad and a southwest wrap and then picked up an italian on ciabatta. WHY DID I DO THAT? It was the fattest piggiest thing I've eaten in weeks. What the fuck is wrong with me? I feel too disgusted even to drink the Rockstar I also acquired.

How do you people feel about fish and chips? I love the shit out of that combo but without fail afterward I want to die or at least hump the back of a chair with my solar plexus until I puke. So much grease and breading. However, tonight Sarah and I are going out for the first time in ever to a place that sells these fish and these chips, and I want to eat it even though I know that after I will moan and complain the entire way home about what a poor choice it was.

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