Monday, August 24, 2009
just a little whining
As most of you know, Sarah and I are moving, moving. Today Sarah stayed home all day waiting for someone to turn on the gas (because they operate on all-day appoitnments) instead of picking up stuff from the old apartment, and finally at five when nothing had happened asked that I call them to check. Well, I was informed that the technicians had arrived at 12:06 and the door was locked. Also, I was reminded about the $25 missed appointment charge. But I didn't miss the appointment, I said. I was there all day. The door is locked because it's an apartment building in downtown fucking Orlando, and we are three stories up. They have to do more than touch the door and run. They have to call a telephone so somebody can come down and open the door. So then they waived the late fee.

Filthy emm effers.

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