Tuesday, March 06, 2012
you hear that? that's the sound of rome falling.
and it sounds like . . . badababa baaaaaaaa!

Or it sounds like an over weight, over budget fleet of fighter jets.

Or maybe it sounds like a rocket exploding as it collides with an American citizen, who may, or may not have been guilty of masterminding terrorist plots. . . we'll probably never know.

It could soon be the sound of SWAT teams rounding up members of the resistance in the night, not unlike what they did to suspected LulzSec members.

I don't know if Wired was intentionally creating a theme with its stories today, but every single article I read this morning made me more depressed about the state of the U.S. government and our inability to do ANYTHING about it. Change we can believe in? Peak Oil is the only change I believe in.

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