Wednesday, January 21, 2004
I'm sort of thinking lately that I wouldn't mind piloting a giant robot. The power, .... the power.... the ability to crush all enemies...the power...

I'm getting more drawn into Cartoon Network anime. Bebop is of course good stuff, and Trigun was as well. But Big O? Giant robots and goofy, clunky dialogue...not to mention an art style that is too reminiscent of the Batman cartoon. And, finishing it all off, the melodic lovesongish tune that plays during the closing credits. But my roommate (Senor Buttsex) watches it all the time and so I'm exposed. Eh.

I could also be a cheerleader. A MALE cheerleader. And you all could join me.

Here's why Jell-O, though disgusting, is fantastic. We made Jell-O shots last weekend, and they were pretty weak due to our panzy ratios of vodka to water. Anyway, we got through half before our stomachs threatened revolt of the most colorful manner, and the pans of alcoholic jello sat in my fridge for a few days. Tonight the stench of cheap vodka and artificial fruit flavors became too much, and i dumped what i could down the garbage disposal, feeling like i was feeding the damn thing. When I could scrape no more off the pans, I filled them with hot water, and an hour later: jello dissolved! No scrubbing, just steaming water to weaken that jello's spirit, and just like disillusioned college students at a political rally, the jello gave up, let go, and was dissolved by the greater mass.

I'm really enjoying the site Bil linked to last time. Damn fine stuff. As is the "Why People Belive..." book I mentioned. It has consumed me.

I'm writing so much because I have class and work tomorrow, and so I'm postponing sleep for as long as possilbe. Once I go to bed, the only thing I have to look forward to besides sweet love dreams of [insert name here]'s grandma is crawling toward the shower at nine am.


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