Sunday, July 03, 2005
I can't do that, Dave
Well, I just spent the last two days restoring my computer. I'd like to take this moment to remind everyone that they should be backing up important documents. Then you don't have to go through what I did.

I'm still not entirely sure what happened, my old harddrive is fucked up, but how... Why.. These things I do not know. I was just doing my normal browsing on Thursday night, checking a few things, when my screen froze. I let it sit for a while to see if it was just a hiccup, but alas. I rebooted, and it informed me that hal.dll was missing or corrupt.

hal.dll, it turns out, was neither missing nor corrupt.

Instead, my harddrive had simply decided it wasn't going to be doing none of that 'working' shit anymore. Eventually we got it working long enough to back up some of my stuff (via attaching it as a slave to Martin's computer and backing it up to my external harddrive) so I have most everything I need now.

Martin was really a godsend, if you're into that sort of thing. I probably wouldn't have been able to get anything out of my drive, and I would definately have not had as easy a time setting everything back up when I bought a new drive and installed it. At every step he helped me out tremendously, even when he didn't have to do anything. (he even ended up staying up here on Saturday night instead of going to Albia just to help me out.)

So much thanks to the Martin, truly a god amongst men.

As it stands now, I should have everything set back up, though.

A couple of things I was wondering about:

Thought Dave was going to come up to watch the MST of Boggy Creek. ???
Thought things were happening this weekend, although I've been so busy dealing with this computer situation that things could have definately passed me by.

As it stands, I have Sunday off for Independence Day. Anyone doing anything is free to give me a call or post about things happening. I ought to be doing some shopping, but getting up in time for shopping seems... Unlikely, at the moment.

Oh, Dave, as I was reinstalling things I found a CD with See-Ess on it... Weren't you wanting that back?

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