The only person I can imagine being interested in this is Goathead, but here's some stuff some writer for some magazine had to say about his first go-through of a Flannery O'Conner collection:
Everywhere an unsentimental view of human weakness, with beautiful consequences. Mrs. May? Gored. Lucynell Crater the younger? Left sleeping at a diner. The fool and his turkey? Soon parted. The grandmother? Which grandmother? Doesn’t matter, doomed.
I just liked the goring. What shall we do with wayward DaveO, Mr. Christopher? GORE HIM.
Everywhere an unsentimental view of human weakness, with beautiful consequences. Mrs. May? Gored. Lucynell Crater the younger? Left sleeping at a diner. The fool and his turkey? Soon parted. The grandmother? Which grandmother? Doesn’t matter, doomed.
I just liked the goring. What shall we do with wayward DaveO, Mr. Christopher? GORE HIM.
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