Thursday, July 28, 2005
You still drink water to restore life (mimes how the Prince drinks)
MAU: Do you want to go to a mascerade party? Or do you want to meet in wherever 37 miles south of denver? Need the info!!!

Theres apparently a newer Godzilla flick I didnt know about. Its basically a giant bukkake of all the old 50s thru 70s godzilla monsters made into one movie of ass thwomping. As well, they made a japanese version of the american godzilla. And tries to fight the Japanese one and dies instantly.

In other news, I somehow have the picture of Kevin, Tim, and Amish drunk at Kum&Go as my desktop image. Its the one where theyre pointing and laughing. Anywho, someone had told me about illicit pics of Lindsey Lohan. Being a sad, sad, SAD individual I let curiosity take the best of me. After seeing said pics I close the window and theres 3 people pointing and laughing at me. Just...too.... eerie.

And also: Gator tastes like gritty chicken. SOooooooo good. Theres a gator farm in Colorado. I dont know how.

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