Monday, September 12, 2005
I went to Ducktails and all I got was this lousy blog title
As I was walking across the parking ramp this morning I noticed a very unique license plate frame. It said, “I love my goat” and had little goats prancing all over it. It was cute. So right now that is my second favorite license plate frame. My favorite is on a truck that is usually parked outside of our apartment. It’s on the back and says “Too close for missiles, switching to guns.” Since seeing that I’ve decided for certain that if I’m ever president I’m going to create a maximum tailgating distance law, and cars will have alarms that will go off whenever another car is following them too closely. The alarm will be an English woman’s emotionless voice saying, “Maximum tailgating distance has been breached.” Then you will press a blinking red button on your dashboard and the same woman’s voice will say, “Guns have been armed.” Then you pull a trigger on the back of your steering wheel and...well, you get the idea.

I’m gonna be iron, like a lion, in zion. (Iron, Lion, Zion) They have that song for karaoke at Gronau’s, which makes me like that place all the more. What’s that? You don’t know Iron, Lion, Zion? Then you are an uncultured, musically retarded codwallup. Oh! You didn't think I'd throw the codwallup at you, huh? Yeah, that's just how I roll.

After I left Gronau’s last night I stopped by the place next door. It’s called Ducktails, and I’d never been there so I thought I’d just step in for one beer to see if it was anything special. I wasn’t expecting much, considering the few cars that were parked outside, so imagine my surprise when I walk into the coziest little den of booze I’d ever seen! I think Wes might even like this bar. It had the ambiance of some rich old duck hunter’s basement. Duck pictures on the walls and duck upholstery on the armchairs, a big mallard above the fireplace, and I think there might have even been ducks etched into the woodwork. So that was a little strange, but notice I said armchairs, fireplace...and I didn’t mention the leather couch and the big oak table. Someone spent a lot of money furnishing this place. This is a bar where we might be able to comfortably play Settler’s or Family Business while we sip our glasses of scotch. And if we tire of that we can sidle over to their tournament size pool table for a game of “Andy Wins.”

Buy a box of Kleenex and rent Crash. Trust me.

I couldn’t listen to this exorcism recording at work (for some reason I can’t open audio/video files anymore), but if one of you can, please tell me if it’s cool or not.

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