Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Badgers?! We dont need no stinkin' badgers!!!
So, what am I upto. Besides not having readily accessable internet, 4 in the morning blogging is where I get it on. And when Im on RA duty.

Nick mentioned doing an online comic of the burger comics. ...prolly not going to happen. Why? I seriously put a crack pot team of serious 2d animators together and we are doing a 30 minute cartoon. I'm the lead animator and artist on this project. Sweet ass, no? I have Screaming Mechanical Brain (formerly Screaming Monkey Boner) lined up to do some of the soundtrack with the possibility of any other music I can Katamari up. We also have the same artists mentioned earlier doing flat art to describe the stories to be accounted for in the animation. Following The Writers Journey and Joseph Cambell's Hero of a Thousand Faces archetypes, we've hammered out a pretty dandy script. We even got Cthulhu into this mess. And the best part? Its all from me. With help, of course.

After this project is sent to the in-betweeners and distributed, Im going to work on adapting JC and the Swingers into a religous cartoon series. I also would like to get with Wussly Beary on that zombie game Wllm thought of a while back. Ive gotten 3d character rigging down pretty well in 3d Studio Max and could possibly see if Wussly was interested in making a game engine. Aside from that, I was offered to help with a serious online comic book idea about Gods and faith and the power they possess, with the occasional demons and super powers none the less.

I'm still hammering out Denally. I still want to do FOES. Chuckles and Rikiki could work out. Rico Perez fits into anything I am working on now. OH! And theres that idea Ive been having about the spirits released during the 1890s idea Tim & I threw around. Not to mention I have to write a movie script and put together a flat art portfolio sometime. And then theres the burger comics that can be worked out into something else.

Denver is pretty neat. I still love how cheap it is for me to get drunk out here. I actually am considering living out here after college and after/during my career. AiC (thats the school I go to) is about 3 months from being certified or something for Master's Degrees in several fields, including teaching and sorcery. I might just take the route some of you didnt take and stay in school after school so my loans can coagulate into even larger blood blisters. Hopefully my projects will pay for all this well in advance.

Oh. Last thing: I finally got the guster to make and consume a Twinkie Wiener Sandwich (my favorite!) I got pictures. Will post them prolly today. Ok, Im done. Bedtime.

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