Friday, November 25, 2005
Duck and Cover!
Do you want to know how f-ing boring it is to be at work today? So boring that I have watched this Duck and Cover video three times!!! AND IT ISN'T EVEN TEN O'CLOCK YET!!!

I think I've got the "working-the-day-after-Thanksgiving" madness.

Getting ready means we will all have to be able to take care of ourselves. The bomb might explode when there are no grown-ups near. Paul and Patty know this and they are always ready to take care of themselves. Here they are on their way to school on a beautiful spring day. But no matter where they go or what they do, they always try to remember what to do if the atom bomb explodes right then. "It's a bomb, Duck and Cover!"

Here's Tony going to his Cub Scout meeting. Tony knows THE BOMB can explode any time of the year, day or night--he is ready for it. "Duck and Cover!!!" Atta boy Tony, that flash means 'act fast'.

Tony says, "Bring that f-ing bomb on, I'll whip its ass!"

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