Friday, December 02, 2005
Read this if you're bored
Listen to how FUCKING DUMB the people I work with are. Keep in mind that this counselor has a fucking MASTER'S DEGREE in social work.

She sent this job profile request for her too-dumb-to-get-a-GED client: "Inspector of Perishable Fruit." We tried to contact her for specifics, but I guess all those keys on the keyboard are just too confusing and intimidating for her, and she couldn't respond. So we wrote a report for a USDA fruit inspector anyway, and then she called

and ho ho, that's not what she wanted, ho ho ho, her client just has a very specific job in mind, working for a certain fruit sorting company in Norwalk, ho ho, and could we tell her about that job?


I can't wait till she gets the "audio operator" report and calls to ask why we didn't write the report for the car radio sales position at Best Buy in WDM.

And does anyone know what a "wildlife agent" is? Someone who represents animals in dealings with Hollywood? I wrote three reports: conservation agent, worker for Fish & Wildlife Department, and something else. Probably she'll write back to say she meant goldfish salesperson.

I'm going insane here.

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