
David, I want you to look at this picture and ask yourself: how much of that whale is still to be seen? How much of that whale's massive, crushing body still rides beneath the waves, secreted beneath the serene surface of the ocean?

There's a couple pages in the preface to Dave Eggers's Heartbreaking Work of Blahblahblah (a memoir, not fiction) where they're on a whale-seeing kayak ride, and a whale surfaces directly beneath one of the kayaks. That could happen to you, Dave. It really could. Or it could surface directly beneath your train on the way back to Denver.
I'll be going to Sarah's town over christmas, so won't see anybody at all.
No, just kidding. I will be in Albia.
I just ate the greatest Christmas candy I've ever had. If you have access to these, bring me one: it's a little green wreathe of rice krispies or something. Delicious. Crunchy. Delicious.
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