Tuesday, February 07, 2006
I'm drinking your shoes.
I know that this is, in some sense, a valid question--I could find the answer somewhere, and even though I really doubt there's any sort of method that's going to be useful to this guy, maybe--maybe:

I need to know how someone would have a felony taken off of their record. A client stated that he was interested in doing this due to his felony taking place in 1994. He said he heard people are able to write the Governor to request this. What are the methods/process of having this done? Is a lawyer needed? Thanks!

But why

1) wouldn't you list the fucker's felonies?

2) or at least his name, so I could find them?

3) or what argument he'll present for the removal of his felonies?

4) or any sort of evidence that you'd talked to someone in your office or at the local copshop to ask if this was actually possible, or if you have to go through Nessie and Bigfoot to make this happen?

5) or any sort of logic process you'd undergone to determine if the client has actually looked into this himself?

This is your fucking tax dollars at work here, paying me to answer questions for idiots. And paying for that glass wall that's going up in the atrium on 2nd. And, if you want to be technical, paying for the coffee pot that filled my PLDM mug. Mmm...tasted like money that could have bought you a new pair of shoes.

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