Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Well, my lease on the old apartment is finally expiring. Yes! Given the option of terminating my tenancy there (where I haven't been in months) or re-signing myself to the place, I elected to terminate, which caused horns to sprout from my head, my tongue to bifurcate, and I've been getting frequent visits from the Other Side. Because the moral thing to do would be to sign myself onto another lease with my ex.

I hope that was efficiently drippy with sarcasm.

In weekend news:

I won't be around this weekend. Well, as in Saturday. See the FAQ:

Sure, you won't be around Saturday, but what about Saturday night?

Nope, sorry. We'll be spending the night with Billybillybillybilly or maybe Bradfield, and won't return until Sunday.

So if we stay over Saturday night, any chance we'll see you Sunday lunch?

That depends on how long Amish plays Halo. Probably yes. Hopefully yes.

What the hell are you doing back in CF, anyway?
Sarah needs to work on an ongoing psych research project concerning eating disorders.

Will you have sex with me?

I'm afraid not.

Well, fine. Are you going to be around Friday night, at least?

Fortunately for you, I will. In fact, I will be around for all of Friday's PM. I'm taking the afternoon off, meeting the Lady Rodenberg for lunch, then bussing home for a delightful afternoon of writing, painting, and furiously masturbating. Well, probably not that last bit. I have no idea what the evening plans are. I've been wanting to hit some coffeehouses, but that's no fun without the proper crew. Bars are getting a bit old, especially the ones we frequent, which is: the only one the people with cars like to go to.

Why don't you just quit going to bars?
I have, for the most part. In fact, I've gone once since the Clue Party. But sometimes it's nice to get out.

Can't you get out elsewhere?
Oh, I do. But at night I rely on people with cars for transportation.

Why don't you just fix your fucking car?
Man, I'd love to. Really. In fact, I'd love to this weekend. So if Amish is still here Sunday, I'll see if he wants to haul me over to the Flophouse. Flat tire and dead battery? Why do you curse me, heavens?!

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