Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day!
Ahoy! Ever'one! It be Talk Like A Pirate Day! Arrr!

I have t' move out o' me room on Saturday. doubloons-identally, I requested Saturday off Sears a forthnoight ago so I coul' have a day off. Now it be spent movin' t' another room. This move will make it official: I have raised flags upon every floor at t' dorms. It be a wonderful and useless title, me mateys. Garr.

Bless me stars! I haggled a game called Monster Hunter upon the other evenin'. Yo ho, me mateys, yo ho!. It's me life, really. You Davy Jones' locker involuntarily a lot an' you have only a deck broom t' defend yourself upon every starboard bow. And you plunder stuff, too. Tis really hard t' "aquire" thin's, cuz you have t' cook and alchemy a lot o' it. Oh, and ye have t' cook yer chow. But ya burn it a lots before ya learn how to, and burnin' t' foods makes you sick or makes t' food worth a haypenny. Tis Animal Crossin', but without t' Scurvy Carnfoogler Tom Nook t' help out and buy yer goods under the false pretense o' t' Empire breathin' down yer neck, my boys. But it only cost me a few doubloons to fetch it from a bargain barrel, so it be wind in t' sails, boys. Wind in t' sails.


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