First off, when I walked into the living room today I noticed a strange envelope lying on the dining room table. It was addressed to me and covered in pink and black pen. When I picked it up, I discovered that was not in fact a single envelope, but six of them.

Where did these envelopes come from, you ask? I haven't opened them yet, I say, but the return addresses say Denver, Colorado!
I plan to investigate this mystery further over at the Review of Cats, sometime tonight or tomorrow.
In other news: Nick, the thing I'm mailing you should be there soon, if I can ever drag myself out of this apartment and to the post office.
In still other news: My computer went into a coma a few weeks ago, during finals week. It lay slumbering on my desk, drooling and occasionally twitching, and I held its hand and stroked its forehead and acted caring, but secretly I just wanted my damn Brit Lit paper out of it. After more than three hours at the help desk in the Apple Store, and then another hour and a half the next morning, they gave me a disk and told me I could get what files I wanted and then they'd reformat the whole enchilada. So I dumped a few projects and my paper onto a CD and that was it. Now my computer is basically the same as it was when I got it--void of a lot of useless files and programs, but also without some useful ones. For example, I no longer have the current version of iphoto, and am using the free version from 2003. What this means is, so far, I haven't figured out how to upload video from my camera to my computer.
All that to say: Four Kings Burncock has left a Very Special Video Message for Dave, that will be up as soon as I figure out how to make it happen.
In even other news: As I opened my window and pulled back the blinds just a few precious moments ago, I saw a short stack of quarters and wondered what was on the back of them. Do you want to guess?
Go ahead.
If you guessed "an eagle," then you are wrong.
If you guessed "the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria," then you are correct.
And if, after making that guess, you wondered why the fuck the names of those ships were ever drilled into your brain, then you are thinking along the same lines as me. What possible benefit was there for us to learn those ships' names in elementary school? In what non-Jeopardy situation would that knowledge be useful? I wanted to write more about this but now I'm so frustrated about it that all I want to say is, Damn.

Where did these envelopes come from, you ask? I haven't opened them yet, I say, but the return addresses say Denver, Colorado!
I plan to investigate this mystery further over at the Review of Cats, sometime tonight or tomorrow.
In other news: Nick, the thing I'm mailing you should be there soon, if I can ever drag myself out of this apartment and to the post office.
In still other news: My computer went into a coma a few weeks ago, during finals week. It lay slumbering on my desk, drooling and occasionally twitching, and I held its hand and stroked its forehead and acted caring, but secretly I just wanted my damn Brit Lit paper out of it. After more than three hours at the help desk in the Apple Store, and then another hour and a half the next morning, they gave me a disk and told me I could get what files I wanted and then they'd reformat the whole enchilada. So I dumped a few projects and my paper onto a CD and that was it. Now my computer is basically the same as it was when I got it--void of a lot of useless files and programs, but also without some useful ones. For example, I no longer have the current version of iphoto, and am using the free version from 2003. What this means is, so far, I haven't figured out how to upload video from my camera to my computer.
All that to say: Four Kings Burncock has left a Very Special Video Message for Dave, that will be up as soon as I figure out how to make it happen.
In even other news: As I opened my window and pulled back the blinds just a few precious moments ago, I saw a short stack of quarters and wondered what was on the back of them. Do you want to guess?
Go ahead.
If you guessed "an eagle," then you are wrong.
If you guessed "the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria," then you are correct.
And if, after making that guess, you wondered why the fuck the names of those ships were ever drilled into your brain, then you are thinking along the same lines as me. What possible benefit was there for us to learn those ships' names in elementary school? In what non-Jeopardy situation would that knowledge be useful? I wanted to write more about this but now I'm so frustrated about it that all I want to say is, Damn.
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