And suddenly the whole trip's worthwhile

I won this bad boy at the casino night thing thrown by a group that supports the user group hosting the conference. The hell with Halo parties. I think it's time for a Dig Dug party.
Anyway, Denver is just messed up. It has damned storms delaying flights; crosswalks that have an ok to jaywalk sign; hotels that claim to be booked up, tell you they are going to give you a presidential suite, which you go up to find is not marked and apparently under construction, then they magically find a normal empty room, so that you are disappointed but not roomless at 11 at night; and casino game employees that walk out of the game room where they are setting up, lift up their leg to fart loudly, then look sheepish when they realize there's somebody in the hallway.
And why the hell is blogger speaking German all of a sudden? "Tastaturkürzel: drücken Sie Strg zusammen mit: B = Bold, I = Italic, P = Publish, D = Draft "
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