WWIII is but a caucus away

I checked the Drudgereport this morning to find his top story was titled "WWIII on Hold?"
My first thoughts were, "What the fuck? When did World War III start? Is it possible I missed the start of a global conflict? Have I been that drunk lately?" but no, I was just reading the conservative news. I should have known.
You may be wondering why I was reading the conservative news, and I'll tell you: Because its a whole lot more exciting, and they post football scores in an easy-access fashion. (By the way, Baltimore nearly beat New England last night. New England came back with a touchdown in the last 44 seconds. It would have ended an 11 game winning streak.) The conservative news is also a place where I can go if I want to find out approximately how close we are to starting another conflict. Judging by the rhetoric in the air there this morning, I'd say we've got less than a year.
Really, I don't know why you'd want to read any non-conservative news. All the other, sane news people are covering shit like global warming, world elections, the housing crisis and, you know, other boring shit like the cock-asses.
Speaking of those cock-asses, has anyone else noticed that we have a hypothetical question being solved right before our eyes? Hadn't you ever wondered if Americans would rather see a black man or a white woman president? Well now we're going to find out!
I'm betting on black.
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