Voicemail Bankruptcy
That's right, having just returned from NYC with 22 voicemails, I've decided I must declare voicemail bankruptcy. It's just too daunting to go through them all. The problem is of course that old ones are outdated by newer ones, but are still there. They mount up so quickly that they soon become intimidating and spooky. This happens to everyone but I am too lazy to take care of it in any sort of timely fashion.
So forgive me, but I'm skipping through them all in the interest of being a better responder in the future.
Here are some photos from NYC:

If you ever feel annoyed with me or Goathead, I invite you to relish how we felt after eating too much pizza doused in tabasco sauce in Manhattan.
So forgive me, but I'm skipping through them all in the interest of being a better responder in the future.
Here are some photos from NYC:

If you ever feel annoyed with me or Goathead, I invite you to relish how we felt after eating too much pizza doused in tabasco sauce in Manhattan.
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