Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Time For Tim to do a review of Cats "Books"
I walk into a book store to do some looking and what do I see? No, not in that section you perverts. That's for you Andy. If you read the title then you would of guessed "Stuff on my Cat" and "More Stuff on my Cat". That's for you Dave. Do a search of Amazon and "the cat review" will have plenty of material for at least two to four more entries. There could be cat review of movies or just reviewing of cats watching movies. That's for you Tim. Kevin and Shannon are getting a cat! Good for you Shannon. Shame on you Kevin. I'm allergic so I guess now I really won't be visiting any time soon or I can just call the place you're getting the cat from and tell them how Shannon is a violent drunk and Kevin was raised on a farm if you get my drift. Then I can visit without my face swelling up. Or I can just wear a haz-mat suit that says "allergic to cat" on it and attempt to stuff food and drink through the mask, making a mess and everybody feel bad. And I would do a jig. And teach your cat to poop in your shoes. Only the left ones. I'm sure there was a collective joke about cats and shaving that went through most of every bodies minds at some point in the last few sentences. Perverts. That's for you Amish. As for the rest of you I got nothing. Now go the fuck out side and get some sun you look anemic. That's for you Wes.

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