I need to eat at a food court

Tonight consisted of the following:
-Getting a free Slurpie at Seven-11
-Waiting in line for an Iphone and having our heart broken by the Jewish form of the Mac boy from the commercials
-Playing b-ball outside of the school (sans couple of guys up to no good, Auntie and Uncle, etc)
-A 45 minute phone call
Next week, seeing as how I won't be going to Iowa, I will be doing the following:
-Waking up whenever I want to
-Seeing the Stanley Hotel
-Making storyboards
-Playing the Wii. Alone.
-Sending off artwork to a bathroom memorial. By the way, $10 will suffice for packaging and sending
-Not hot chicks
-Somehow telling Amish to fuck off, even if it's his emotionless and ancient voice message (background noise, man giggling, BEEEEP)
Bil, I need your damn Wiicode. All 1,000 digits (Nintendo really needs to fix this)
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