Monday, May 18, 2009

Sarah has been pestering the dick out of me to join Twitter and I tried, I really tried! but every name I developed was taken. Obscure references from my fiction? Taken! Variations of my true name? Taken, bitch! But what about my xbox live handle, you ask? I respond that I am done with Spooky and the dilution of his trademark as soon as I finish the novel. Or sell the screenplay. Either one.

And the truly very annoying thing is that most of these names that I want are taken only in the sense that some yokel thirty years ago registered them and then disappeared. Developed balls cancer and asphyxiated himself in his garage, lost his girlfriend and leapt off his roof. Or maybe gained a girlfriend and logged off the internet. Gave up drinking and staring at laptop screens and took up mountain climbing. Whatever they did, they have left behind every name I want, attached to undeveloped screens that haven't been touched since 2006.

Tonight Sarah said to me, what if goathead joined? and I said, he could! because nobody would take goathead. But: they would. Then I thought, they wouldn't take Goathead's preferred spelling; but, they would. Can you even believe that such a bald pilot as Gote Hedlund exists?

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