Thursday, June 25, 2009
I have to post because no one else is posting willingly
Amish is taking me to Walmart. To wander around. Albia is so much fun.

Transformers 2 was fun. There was a stupid love story in there. There was also a fair amount of fan service. But then again, there was a stupid love story spun into it. The camera was also manned by an 11 yr old that got taken off his Ritalin and allowed to carry it in his hands. Did I mention the kid was allowed to drink Mountain Dew and fed Skittles? There was a stupid love story in there, also. Stupid love story. Robots. Explosions. Meagan Fox and her inability to close her mouth. Shia LeBeouff playing every role. Robots. Explosion. Shaky cam. Love story. There. I just saved you the time and effort.

I also got paid $50 an hour ($40.09 an hour for you Austrian folks) to draw elephants for a conservative t-shirt company. so in 10 hours of work, I made as much as I did working two weeks full time over at Sears. I am not complaining about that at all.

In closing, Pharaoh throws a car.

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