Tuesday, June 09, 2009
When I right-clicked "Goathead" by accident, Google Docs suggested "Goatherd's, Goat head's, Fathead's, Goatherds."

Goathead's Voicemail Concerning Tinned Sardines

This voicemail used a specific moment in sardine eating history as a springboard both for the examination of Goathead's recent sardine-related behavior and, more engagingly, for speculation on the scientific (and questionably moral) processes involved in tinning dead fish for consumption years later. Key line: "Needless to say, I will never eat sardines again." I include this here as both a teaser and a goad for Goathead to write a more detailed version for this blog.

The Russian the Guy in the Next Cube Keeps Spouting into his Phone

Pretty spooky sounding. With the right language you can sound like you're going to rip a Diet Rite in half and use the jagged aluminum to rend someone's head from his or her shoulders.

The New Issue of Ninth Letter

I have been regretting the subscription to this journal since I bought it last summer (more than a year ago! In this very fucking state!) but the new issue redeems the previous three. Smaller size and good writing, most notably (so far) an essay on the perils of completion compulsion in modern video games (the narrator writes about Halo skulls and various other achievements-rich time sinks) and fiction about an eyeless sexless infant born in 1939 Germany who tells parables about Herod to the doctors. This stuff is great! I'm really enjoying this. So much that I would recommend your checking it out next time you're tooling around a fancy bookstore. It's got a white cover. Or if you're really interested I will mail it to you.

My Coworker Staying Over Last Night

This was awkward at first, but pretty good. Sarah was cool about it. There was a trip to Wal-Mart that scored me a Kashi Mayan veggie bake (whatever that is). The only real downside was that we all went to bed too late and in the morning she left a Dogfish Head bottle heavy with cigarette butts on the balcony.

The Dr. Pepper Cherry She Bought Me for Letting Her Stay Over

So good I keep digging it out of the trash and pouring more into my cup.

The Pineapple Pie I Foolishly Splurged on Friday

Worth all eight dollars.

All the Literary Journals I'm Getting Suddenly at One Time Probably Due to Academic Year-End Publishing Schedules Converging

Pretty lame. Most of this is poorly written and poorly designed crap. And really, who cares? Fuck this, I'm becoming a computer programmer.

That Last Review

Unnecessarily negative.

Google Docs

Can't believe I haven't used this before! I used to write plot notes to myself in a .doc and mail it to myself, but this eliminates several annoying steps. If you haven't experimented with this feature yet, it's definitely worth checking out, especially if you get hot transporting files between locations.

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