Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Dave is a shadow person!
Very fond of the post linking to the free falling tips. This might actually make me feel just the tiniest bit better about flying. Although really now it's not the fear of quick-yet-agonizingly-slow-death that freaks me out, but the fear of not knowing if I'll freak out at all. The last flights I did were so fine that I ended up staring like a kid out the window at the lights of NYC and then, on the return, the snow and gray of Minneapolis bobbing outside the wing. But what if I saunter confident onto a set of jet engines and then feel the madness creeping up the backs of my legs? It will be all the worse.

Maybe it was the gin carefully rationed out and the Pirates! books I read during the trip that kept me laid back. Certainly Goathead's musings on the possibilities of imminent doom didn't do the job.

Or maybe the free cookies, served warm by American Airlines?

Remembering that detail confirms how I will return home for Kevin's coupling ceremony, assuming I don't drive.

Wait! Here's why I posted this in the first place: No, I've forgotten.

Sarah and I are hoping to move soon. This shouldn't be a stressful freakout thing but due to real estate prices here (even in the shitty market, yes) it's still a million motherfucking dollars to rent a place. Our top choices both hover in the lower ends of the nine hundreds, and that is keeping shit reasonable. Then don't even begin to think of what it costs to air condition 950 square feet in this overbaked hell hole. We currently live in a place with utils included but as Nick can attest, it's about the size of the trunk of the Geo, a half hour drive from everywhere, and there's no door on the damn bedroom.

Wait! Here's what I wanted to say: I left my phone at work, so if you've tried to call me tonight it just means the overnight janitors are confused about the buzzing piles of student records on my desk.

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