Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I found an old Tootsie Pop my niece brought me from a parade when I
was in Iowa, so that's helping a little. And I'm trying to decide what
to have for dinner (Sarah, if you're reading this, the decision is on
you, since I brought home pizza last night). Really what I'm craving
is hot wings and chips. Which yes, I'm aware, sounds awful.

Awfully delicious!

It would terrify 8-year-old me, but my tastes are noticeably different
than they used to be. Some things I like now that would have
particularly disgusted me just a few years ago:

fried plantains
white sauce on pizzas

I can still say that I'm holding out against mayo, at least.

We had a nice run of cooking great stuff a while back, chicken tacos
with homemade salsa, baked squash stuffed with apples and turkey
bacon, cauliflowre gratin, etc., but now with the cold streak here the
kitchen has been a bitter waste, a place as frozen and timeless and
disturbing as a haunted forest. Sometimes the cat would disappear and
I would creep out there to look for her, thinking what is she doing?
She's going to get herself KILLED.

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