Cinemax would be proud or Spelling Nazi need not apply

So to continue in the zombie movie kick, here's another one.
You can thank Netflix later for the pain and suffering I going to put you through. So in the trailers on the "Dead Snow" DVD was one for a movie called "Dead Air". So to sum up, all is going nuts outside thanks to a viral attack and this radio talk show host is trapped in his studio trying to manage his way through the crisis. Now this is not a zombie movie but a virus, viral infection, or outbreak movie, how ever you want to be a douche bag about it, and it just got lumped in the same way "28 Days Later" did because mainstream reviewers didn't have the capacity to explain it any other way. Oh hell, they just blatantly stole the whole idea from 28 and put a different spin on it. It was like one of those low budget movies you see late night on Cinemax but only have one boob shot and you where hoping for a soft core lesbian sex scene.
Well that's it in a nut shell. The acting was OK and Bill Mosley did a decent job, but did not sell me on the believability that these characters are in this dire situation. The quality was good but the camera shot's directed poorly, hence the late night Cinemax feel to the whole thing, and then they put a terrorist angle on it that was just stupid and really did nothing for the story but was the same old shit we've all seen before in other movies. In fact the only thing that it had going for it was the initial concept. Which is why I took a chance on it in the first place. If I had a million to redo this, I'd keep Bill and the idea but toss the rest, use real fucking zombies and no terror angle, they are just zombies, you don't need to know where they come from, they have no motivation, but to just to munch on you. This could of been a really good movie with a spin we haven't seen yet, but it disappoints. Zombies and zombiettes need not bother with this one. Still it was better than "Zombie Nation". Just ask Romy how bad that movie was, and not funny bad either.
And in case you ask, "28 Days Later" has no zombies, "Quarantine" does. Next one I want to see is from across the pond called "I Sell the Dead" with that guy who plays Charlie on "Lost". Out towards the end of the month and hoping it helps redeem the low budget zombie genre.
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