Saturday, October 16, 2010
Hollow Weenies
What are the plans for Halloween, anyway? I know four of us are coordinating costumes, and I know some of you are in Florida. And I also know some of you aren't even reading this.

Amish claims to have a car for me. And by claims, I mean he tells me to pay him in large amounts and that I will get a large part of the money back as soon as the dethroned prince of Nigeria reclaims his thrown soon after he can pay for his lawyers. Once this is settled, I am "supposed" to have Weed Wagon 2.o. Who wants to help me stencil a pot leaf on the hood? I wanna get profiled by cops and waste their time.

Another problem: I am again looking around for jobs. Don't fret: I have not lost mine. I am just looking to see how green the grass is on other sides of the fence. There are always opportunities in Seattle, and apparently now Boston has some perks. Don't suggest Florida: it is a hole for jobs.

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