Disgusting Fatbody

Kevin is being one-upped at the moment.
My new goal is to lose as much weight by Halloween. This is mainly due to the fact that a lot of Fallout 3 cosplayers are of a rather hefty figure. Not all of them, mind you, but a good deal. I guess this is true with a lot of costume wearers, but then again I've been meaning to have an excuse to get back into a workout routine.
I am also doing a comic book endeavor with Meginnis. I am trying to convince him that two robots are too much and that one robot can easily be replaced by a dapper grasshopper-like alien. He has yet to respond to my suggestion.
I started a painting of a robot going up some stairs. I have had this painting started for the last month. SO far, I've painted the stairs, and not the robot. This is the reverse order of how I usually work. It is causing some problems.
So Andy stated he was going to a Hawkeyes game one of these weekends here in Iowa City. Anyone else feeling the "Hawkeye" madness and want to join? I have a sneaky suspicion someone is going to sleep on my floor again. I want to set up a rule for such a scenario: no fast food breakfasts. I have yet to hear this sort of plan ever working out for anyone, self included.
In closing, a wonderful comment was posted on one of my videos on Youtube. It was neither constructive nor critical. I would like to know what your all's take is on it. Here is the comment:
What does that meeeeeeaaaannnn?
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