Friday, April 06, 2012
Minutes to Spare
I nearly already failed my quest on the first day no less. It's currently 11:48 and I don't even have topic. This feels a lot like high school. I would often wake up with a make or break my grade paper due in an hour and not be done. I would usually succeed in these situation. I was good at using the internet search engines to complete papers, even without Wikipedia available to me. Kids these days seem to have it easy in these matters, so long as the student isn't straight plagiarizing. I usually successfully put in some complete bull shit to throw the scent of plagiarism. I often times forget how clever I was back then. If only I had the communication skill back then to convince people I wasn't a complete waste of DNA. I suppose that will be my first of 15 days. A fairly weak entry but an entry none the less.

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