Saturday, January 03, 2004
I need a new job... I know! Organ Thief!

I couldn't see 10 feet in front of me and the roads were kind of shit, so I turned around at Russel and headed back home. Maybe I'll try again in an hour or so if it has stopped snowing. Probably not. It just seemed to be getting worse, and I was barely halfway to Melrose.

I'm kinda tired for some reason, and in any case..... Ryan's house? Bleah. I'm not happy to be missing Dave's last weekend shindig thing, but forces of nature seem to be conspiring against me going from the begining. First, a metric shit-ton of snow falls out of the sky. Then, horror of horrors, the store was out of Gentleman Jack. On top of that, the car seemed to be extraordinarily loud and sluggish (could just be the cold on that though - I hope). Then the knockout punch, the shindig not being held at the Goatlair in general and instead at Ryan's house in particular.

So this is what it feels like to have Christmas ruined...

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