Tuesday, January 13, 2004
I thought Jesus taught faith THROUGH works...not by works alone will we be judged. I mean a murderer can be a good person,but they really cant go to heaven cuz they didnt actually confess they were wrong. You really cant judge someone by just what they do. I know some pretty good willed atheists who do plenty of charity work. I cant judge them by just what they do. Isnt that what we were taught? To fellowship before me hate monger? Well thats what I picked up...

I hate drama. Mormons seem to have lots of drama. Must be all the hampsters they jeteson up their colons or the fact they marry 37 spouses. God I HATE mormons.

Oh and Andy? Be ye not the first to cast stones. Catholics rant and rave and curse at the protestants just as much as the protestants do against the Catholics...read yer last post and tell me you just didnt do this. Nooch. Watch thy tongue!

But this still means I hate the fucking mormons.

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