Friday, January 09, 2004

Well, here I am in Clinton getting ready to go back to Uni. Yeeha. I find out that I can't audition for any of the plays, because if I go to Nick's wedding I'll miss too much rehearsal. Argh. Maybe I'll get another job. Yay! i was actually thinking about Kum & Go...but maybe that's just Dave Separation Syndrome kicking in. I can grow a vertical line of hair on my chin, and tape lingerie-clad women to my wall.

Bil: sounds like your week sucked the ass. I was gonna drive to Chariton for lunch or something Wednesday, but it sounded as if things were hectic enough for you with rent-checking, etc. Maybe you should hire independent thugs to find your landlord...or find someone close to his heart, and nail the check to that person's forehead. His mother maybe? Or love interest? That's how I get sick notes to my professors.

Grrt's apartment...was in pretty good shape. Was kinda surprising. But .. sorta weird.

Damn internet is not good here.

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