About as gay as a pile of naked guys fucking each other.
Ugh. Most emasculated day of my 23 years of existence. I had to take Lynn (anime girl) shopping for a dress cuz I needed to avoid the mormons. Ok. This was fine at noon. Nope, the closest mall has NOTHING she likes. So I was held at womenpoint to drive to Littleton (about 45 mins away) to look at the bigger mall's selections. Fucking hell. NOTHING THERE WAS GOOD EITHER. So we go to little malls. NOTHING. I wasted all this fucking time on NOTHING then she blames me for not having a taste of fashion or helping her find anything to wear. FUCKING SHIT COCKS AFIRE. So on the way back IM IN RUSH HOUR! Anyone ever DRIVEN in rush hour?! Rolling around in broken glass and salt is more fun. STop. Go. Stop. Go. Stop. Wait. Wait. Go. Stop. Wait. Wait. Go-STOP!!! ....wait....go. STOP! wait. Cut off by some jerk in SUV. Bird. Go. Stop. wait. I swear Ill never drive to a mall ever again.
If anyone wants to send me a shotgun Ill be most pleased.
EDIT So yes. I saw the new Harry Potter movie tonite. It was actually pretty decent. It had a lot of twists and wierd stuff going on but it really wasnt too bad of a movie.
Which brings me to a good point. WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE BRING KIDS TO A GOD DAMN MOVIE?! Kids dont sit thru a 2 hour movie. Hell, kids cant sit still thru a 30 minute live action cartoon! Its just stupid.
Anywho, thats all I really want to post right now. In closing... how does one get a D in garage? I cant even say "garadge" let alone fathom how it could be put into motion. Just stupidity i suppose (thats called satire, Ryan).
If anyone wants to send me a shotgun Ill be most pleased.
EDIT So yes. I saw the new Harry Potter movie tonite. It was actually pretty decent. It had a lot of twists and wierd stuff going on but it really wasnt too bad of a movie.
Which brings me to a good point. WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE BRING KIDS TO A GOD DAMN MOVIE?! Kids dont sit thru a 2 hour movie. Hell, kids cant sit still thru a 30 minute live action cartoon! Its just stupid.
Anywho, thats all I really want to post right now. In closing... how does one get a D in garage? I cant even say "garadge" let alone fathom how it could be put into motion. Just stupidity i suppose (thats called satire, Ryan).
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