Call upon Yoda
I don't know how these ebay sellers got these incredibly awesome Yoda statues, but I sure would like to. The last one went for about $1000. (I guess one of them says that they got it from a Pepsi distributor.)
Do you want to shit your pants? No? Then don't go to this website. (Takes a long-ass time to load.)
The Star Wars soundtrack has been totally unable to break the horrible, mind-numbing effects of legal documents. I need something stronger. Like one of those new giant Jolt cans. You know, the one's that open like a firecracker and then a tangy fog slowly rises out of the opening. It's like you just opened a container filled with alien eggs, and tiny facehugger is about to come blasting out of the fog and attach itself to your right eye, searching desperately for a cavity in which to plant its larve. But then the fog clears, and you see that it is indeed Jolt. And you drink it, and it is good. And then you wonder why your arm won't stop shaking.
Do you want to shit your pants? No? Then don't go to this website. (Takes a long-ass time to load.)
The Star Wars soundtrack has been totally unable to break the horrible, mind-numbing effects of legal documents. I need something stronger. Like one of those new giant Jolt cans. You know, the one's that open like a firecracker and then a tangy fog slowly rises out of the opening. It's like you just opened a container filled with alien eggs, and tiny facehugger is about to come blasting out of the fog and attach itself to your right eye, searching desperately for a cavity in which to plant its larve. But then the fog clears, and you see that it is indeed Jolt. And you drink it, and it is good. And then you wonder why your arm won't stop shaking.
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