Friday, July 15, 2005
And then all her skin sloughed off.
Last night I drove the 25 minutes to Goathead’s on a very low tank of gas. The plan was to buy some more in the morning, but then I drove home on the same low tank of gas. Now, this morning, I just drove to work on the same empty tank. I have come to the conclusion that my car runs on stupidity.

Coming from Ankeny on 235, there’s a new AE billboard. Like other billboards the company owns, this one features a creepy ass guy in an AE hat. He’s reclining on a hammock while the distant sun bathes him in light. And what’s he drinking? It’s lemonade. Yes, it is a relaxing scene. But why, if it’s so relaxing, is he still wearing his fucking AE hat? And his weird axe murdering poncho? And why is he smiling like that? He’s got this creepy smile that bunches up his neckflesh and pretty much screams “I came in the milk!”

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