Monday, September 26, 2005
Mission: Bomb the hell out of those dairy cows!
In high school, Rominger had this video game at his house…out in that little weird hallway that was his rec room…it was on an old computer, probably an Apple, the sort of monochromatic monitor-is-computer computer from way back. Anyway, the video game was an aviation side scroller, and you used a crappy little joystick to control it, to control your black-and-green airplane as it took off from an aircraft carrier deck.

We could never land on that fucking deck after a successful mission.

So does anyone know what that game might have been called? Dave's the only person who might know for sure, but does anyone else know of old crappy computer games that sound familiar? and if you do, what sort of computer they'd run on? specifically, I'm interested in shitty aviation games that would have run on bad ocmputers in two colors.

today my work assignment is to research and write a job description for occupation: artist!

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