Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Yeah, well, Dracula called and said he's comin for you tonight and I said okay.
Here's one of the original Dracula legends, in English alongside its original language (which is some sort of Cyrillic...maybe Russian?).

It has nothing to do with wampyres, but does recount a lot of the familiar stories of Dracula's cruelty, along with a few others (if you don't sew nice clothes for your husband, your hands will be cut off and you will be impaled. And if you lose your virginity before marriage, prepare to be . . . ).

The interesting thing is that after all this cruelty, the worst thing is that he converts from Orthodoxy to Catholicism:

And Dracula fell for the sweetness of the temporal world instead of the infinite and eternal world and he fell away from orthodoxy and departed from truth and he left light for an adopted darkness. Alas, he couldn’t bear the temporary troubles of the prison and instead prepared himself for eternal punishment by leaving our orthodox faith and adopting the Latin falsehood.

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