Monday, September 19, 2005
Links of love
I don't have time for a proper post at the moment. I'm currently trying to catch up on all of the work that I wasn't able to do Thursday and Friday. Still, I wanted to make sure I shared a few links with you folks.

This first one scared the crap out of me. I even calculated how old I would be when the world ended (32). That was how seriously I took this when I first read it. You'll be happy to know that, after frantic google searches of the words "chaos cloud" and "Dr. Albert Sherwinski," I found out that the article originally appeared in Weekly World News, so I wouldn't get too worried if I were you.

Fun pictures of clouds!

Man lights stuff on fire with his electric charge.

Trans-dimensional deer found on top of power lines.

Some dude uses dead cats for fuel.

The future of the human body. A timeline showing expected advancements in medical technology, or the release of those advancements. Basically telling us how long we have until the human race merges with machines.

A medium in Italy accurately locates the body of a woman who had been missing for three years. Authorities stunned, skeptical, and appreciative.

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