New Title: How Andy is, himself a huge Whore
There is this Portishead lyric that I CAN NOT figure out. No matter how many times I listen to it, it always comes across as:
where the moooooooon beats the Jew
which is, of course, ridiculous. The moon can't beat any Jew. It doesn't have any freakin arms!
This makes the moon a prime target for sexual assault, robbery, pickpocketry, nosepickery, and assgrabbery.
This just in: Andy is, himself, a huge WHORE.
where the moooooooon beats the Jew
which is, of course, ridiculous. The moon can't beat any Jew. It doesn't have any freakin arms!
This makes the moon a prime target for sexual assault, robbery, pickpocketry, nosepickery, and assgrabbery.
This just in: Andy is, himself, a huge WHORE.
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