Tim is the son of a dog that was whored out to men

My airship is still rendering. I started at 8:40 and now it has 18 mins to go.
Son of a dog that was whored out to men, otherwize known as Tim.
OH! I got Munchkin started up here. Everyone and their whored-out canines love it. Ever so much that we plan on buying all the expansions and putting them all together for instant madness. Its like playing word search at the library of congress. Only less boring.
And you all should seriously look into Heroscape (Pronounced Here Oh Scah Pee) and into playing it. The latest expansion has Highland Warriors and Gorilla Soldiers. Seriously. Gorillas with guns. Not the ones that hang out in the jungles. The ones that throw barrels at construction workers. Yes. THOSE Gorillas.
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