Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Great gravy. I am so bored that my brain is going to melt. It's going to simmer and then liquidize and drip from my ear canals in long, waxy rivulets that stain my shirt collar and make people question my hygiene habits (which are pretty questionable). But of course I won't care because my brain will be gone.

Were you aware that some peoples' earwax hardens in their ears, and has to be removed by doctors (or at least is best removed by doctors)? I dated a girl with this condition once. I guess it's not all that uncommon, since boingboing or some similar online magazine ran a story about an ear doctor who figured out a steadily-handled SuperSoaker could accomplish the same thing as a professional water tool.

Prodded by ridiculous movies, Sarah and I bought a bottle of $11 champagne which is probably going to roast our mouths and dissolve our throats. Or maybe not? I have no idea what this stuff tastes like. Has anyone had champagne? Even cheap stuff?

This is a movie you should watch: Brazil. It's very 80's and British, in a way that's reminiscent (in its filmography) of Clockwork Orange and other Brit SF. Its themes are a mishmash of political and humor stuff. And it's directed by Terry Gilliam, with one of the other Python guys in a minor part. It's basically a story about future Britain mired in bureaucracy. Sort of 1984 with a more visually interesting world and a lighter hearted story. Robert DeNiro is one of countless terrorists wanted for interrogation, for riding ziplines in to citizens' apartments and fixing their plumbing.

A lot of the terrorist/interrogation/government crap is weirdly reminiscent of the current state of the US.

Anyway: good movie.

God, I'm bored. Bored bored.

I know V-Day's a special occasion for some people, especially the married-void-of-passion sort, but how the hell could you afford any of the date specials in DM tonight? $200 for a couple? Fudge that, ya fudge hole (to paraphrase Meatwad).

I know what I'll be doing for Valentine's Day: watching Dave's link to the woman who fellates the elephant. At least, until Sarah gets home from work.

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