The Crying Game

So not that it's important or anything but I quit that shitty job for another shitty job. It's the same thing only at a different company. So everyone wish me luck. If anyone remembers my ranting in the comments section, I will not have to worry about losing that extra hundred or health insurance for a while. Which works out for me being that the place I work is going to a Abernathy system. Look it up. Read up on it. Tell me it's not a scam and I'll tell you I got a bridge for sell.
Dave: I wish you the best of luck. I know a guy who could make that guy disappear for a small price. Just saying. Think about it.
Now I'm off to drink another Tilt energy beer. Drink four of them really fast and you get a buzz but won't pass out because your heart's beating to fast. I recommend it to any one up at 3am.
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