If you don't pay up...We'll take your nuts!

Have you ever been in so much debt that you contemplate faking your own death to avoid it. Well I've never been in that much debt but all the bills I've yet to pay for services I don't use any more are just depressing. If going all "Fight Club" and blowing the hell out of the corporate offices of all these places was a feasible plan then I would be the first to set the charges. Still I don't think I'm so in debt to reach this point but when ever I see a bum I almost envy them. No one to answer to and no responsibilities. Sure we think they have it tough, but do they really. How much untaxed income to they bring in. You never see a bum with out cigarettes, beer, or a sandwich. That's all they need to be happy? Then why can't I find that happiness? Oh ya. Because I'm in debt and they won't let me die. Like a corporate zombie, I;m doomed to walk the earth forever working low income jobs even after I'm dead.
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