The AWESOMES of Halloween

This was my badass costume. D for Davetta. I'm so god damn clever! I had a cape, too. But then some drunken idiot puked on me. And it was ruined. Just like Christmas. I'm looking at you, Tim.

Me and Lynn went through a lot of costume hunting to get that fuckin' top. And no one really got who she was. Here she is showing off what Haruko (The guitar girl from FLCL, you uncultured swine) does to nerdy people (Trent)

And I bust out the Dihydrous Oxide with a Poohtan. Again, you are uncultured pigdogs for not knowing that reference.
I love art school for these reasons. As for the rest of your "universities?" Go to hell. And die. And get raped after you die. Twice.
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